Receive Food From the Pantry


Eligibility to receive food requires you to live in Suffern Central School District or Tuxedo

Appointments are required.

New & Existing Clients:

Click here to make your next appointment using the Plentiful site. Please use your mobile number to sign up.

If you are experiencing trouble with the Plentiful site and need help, please click here and fill out the form. You will be contacted shortly.

If you are in need of assistance before our next opening or experiencing an emergency, please call (845) 618-5373.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I do not live in Suffern, Sloatsburg, Hillburn, or Tuxedo, where can I go to find food?

Please use this link to find a pantry in your area:

2. Why do I need an appointment?

We require appointments so that we can serve all of our client families in an organized and safe manner. We strive to give each family adequate time to walk through our client choice pantry.

3. What if I do NOT have an appointment?

If you do not have an appointment, a volunteer will assist you to make one. If none are available for the current day, you may need to return at later date or time, possibly the following week.

4. What if I do not have an appointment and I can not wait or return the following week?

We will provide you with a package of non perishable food, but you will not have access to the client choice food pantry.

5. Where should I park to access the indoor pantry?

You should park on either Oliver Street or Washington Avenue and enter the pantry from Oliver Street.

6. What documentation do I need to bring with me?

All clients should bring a photo ID and proof of residency (utility bill, lease agreement) to show residency in the Suffern Central School District or Tuxedo. We will also need a photo ID for all adults and seniors in the household.

7. What else do I need to bring?

Please come with shopping bags and a small cart to carry your food to your car.

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Distribution Location

All Souls Community Church | 81 Washington Avenue | Suffern, NY 10901 * Entrance is on Oliver Street

Clients must live in Suffern, Hillburn, Sloatsburg or Tuxedo.